Mrs Geall's
Eclipse Aluminium Windows & Solid Roof Extension
A 1930’s house receives a much-needed modern makeover.
Just as she had given up all hope of finding a suitable replacement for her leaky leaded windows, Mrs Geall spotted our slimframe aluminium windows.
It’s almost a Century ago that Mrs Geall’s home was built, and it has much of the same character it had back in the 1930’s. The original leaded windows were one of her biggest problems as maintaining them was difficult and without the necessary upkeep, the draughts she experienced would only get worse and worse. She was desperate to have them replaced, but as they were mullioned, she mistakenly believed this would be easier said than done.

Mrs Geall also wanted replacement windows that would improve light gain throughout the house. After being told of her fears and thoughts, our response was to suggest she look at our Eclipse Aluminium windows, a design that prioritises glass over frame, which would give her the extra light indoors that she wished for. Most pleasingly for Mrs Geall, Eclipse Aluminium windows are simple to maintain.
A big passion of Mrs Geall’s is water-colouring and it’s a hobby she wanted to pursue at home, asking us if we could turn her extension into a studio. For it to deliver the correct working conditions, it needed a solid tiled roof installation.

The old leaks are a thing of the past, and the aluminium windows have also quietened the atmosphere within the house. Mrs Geall would previously tread very carefully when operating her old windows, worrying that they might even fall out, but she can open and close her new windows completely care-free. She’s also seen a welcome drop in the cost of her energy bills, and we went back to the house a year after they were installed to check them over.
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